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Sip, Innovate, Repeat: Immersive Workshop

Dive deep into the heart of customer-centric innovation through your favourite cup of coffee.


About the programme

"Sip Innovate Repeat" gives participants a immersive perspective on how how industry front-runners are recalibrating their playbook, understanding both where and how to engage.


The 1-2 days programme gives participants insights, case studies and an immersive perspective on how industry front-runners are calibrating their tech and innovation playbook, understanding both where and how to engage.

Programme detail

Key areas include:

  • Ecosystem-driven evolution

  • Product reinvention

  • Tech & data mastery

  • Strategic alliances

  • Leadership dynamics

Profile of participants:

Any industry, all levels, interested in tech, operations, marketing, and product strategies. Curious about tech and digital disruption

Note: this programme is available for any industry with more than 10 participants.  

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Programme modules include:

A unique blend of insights and immersion

  1. Briefings to set context, facilitate the discovery process

  2. Combination of innovation visits, immersive experiences, executive sharings to make the insights relatable; 

  3. Reflections & debriefs to connect everything;

Our progammes are highly recommended by participants and their sponsors.

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