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Sip Innovate Repeat Immersion Workshop on Navigating Innovation in a Customer-Centric Landscape

Dive deep into the heart of customer-centric innovation through your favourite cup of coffee


"Sip Innovate Repeat" gives participants a immersive perspective on how how industry front-runners are recalibrating their playbook, understanding both where and how to engage.

The 1-2 days programme gives participants insights, case studies and an immersive perspective on how industry front-runners are calibrating their tech and innovation playbook, understanding both where and how to engage. Modules include:

Other key areas of exploration include: Ecosystem-Driven Evolution; Product Reinvention; Tech & Data Mastery; Strategic Alliances; Leadership Dynamics: Grasp the essence of visionary leadership, the pivotal role of organizational talent, and how intrinsic cultural facets shape the very DNA of a company's value proposition.

With more than 90% of participants “very satisfied” with the prgoramme, we support participants to understand both where and how to engage, and discover ways to incorporate the insights and immersion in your work, products.

Sip Innovate Repeat is currently only available to corporates with more than 15 participants. If you are interested, please reach out to us at


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